Thursday, November 20, 2008

Splish, Splash!!

In just a few hours I am leaving for a weekend trip to raft the Nile! They are supposed to be class 5 rapids so it is going to be super intense! This is the last year people will be able to raft the Nile because they are going to Dam it at the source. I'm so glad for this opportunity! One, semi funny thing, there are really bad parasites in Lake Victoria and the Nile so as we are stepping on the plane they hand us all some medicine we have to take 6 weeks after rafting so we can kill it. I can just picture them saying, have a great flight here's some parasite meds (OIA).

Other than that, things are still pretty much the same from the last time I wrote. Still tears and smiles all within a few minutes of each other. Still pushing through and trying to find God in the midst of a really hard living situation. I am excited for a break from "reality" this weekend and maybe even have a hot shower! I will write soon to update you all on this weekend, it should be a blast!!!

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