Sunday, September 14, 2008

From the Heart

Ok, so I have had a lot of emotions since I've been here, for an accurate glimpse of where my heart is deep down here is my journal from last night.

Today was the first Sunday I got to spend with my family and attend my dad's church. I love how much my family loves Jesus. Everything they do is very intentional, Church was good, very liturgical because it is Anglican but nothing can be too rigid because I am in Africa. Then we ate a delicious lunch that had beef! My first time having meat with my family, and popo-papaya! Although all of this is wonderful there is a constant sadness that bring me to tears almost daily. I desperately miss home. I miss family, Chris and friends who know me deeply and intimately. Nothing here feels comfortable or sure-EVERYTHING is different. i want people who speak my language. I don't want to fall asleep listening to mice scurrying around my bedroom. I don't want to kill another bug, spider, or cockroach in my room. I'm tired if peeing in a hole that reeks. I don't want to have to take a shower out of a bucket outside in a 3 walled concrete slab with no door or roof that is next to the latrine so it too reeks. I want to see other white people on a constant basis. I know they call this culture stress or culture shock but I don't care, I want to go home. I still don't know why I am here, I feel like I am just going through my days waiting for the next one. I intentionally try to present everywhere I go but it just makes me feel more isolated. I carry my phone everywhere hoping for a call or text from home. I dread doing my laundry again by hand. I love walking to school but I am tired of men proposing to me or asking me to come home with them. I want someone to know me, not just want me sexually or for my money because I am white. Even this morning when I was about to leave for church my mom, who I love, said she liked my dress and then asked if "maybe I will leave it for here when I go home." I am lonely, confused, used up, exhausted, and all together tired of Africa. The "honeymoon" is over and I want to go home. I do not want to be pitied and I am not constantly feeling like this bu tin the quietness of night, or when someone brings up family, friends or Chris or when I am journaling the sadness creeps in. I have intentionally not journaled this before because I did not want to think about it but in truthfulness this is hard. Everyday brings struggles. How can I do another 95 of these days? A popular African saying is "slowly by slowly," unfortunately I am ready for it to be over now. I want to go home.


Michelle Ellis said...

Hang in there girl! People are thinking of and praying for you, more people than you know! The Ellis family loves you. We fondly remember the season when you were a consistent part of our lives. Have a great day today!

Meredith said...

You are strong and brave! It's okay to miss home...people are praying for you...God is right there with are more than able to do this!! Keep'll be so thankful when you can look back on this time! I love reading this blog and I love you!

Unknown said...

Hang in there, it will get better! I am praying for you! Before too long you will be able to embrace the differences and they will fade away allowing you to really enjoy and learn. You will get through this and be stronger on the other side!