Monday, August 25, 2008

Just Kidding

I thought I was in the clear for any complications...not! My shampoo bottle exploded, there is half a bottle of shampoo covering my entire suitcase. So after a few more tears I spend the past few hours cleaning it all out. Now that I'm more in the mindset of Africa I am so thankful it exploded here where I have unlimited water and a washing machine! So its almost all cleaned up, the clothes are in the dryer and I was able to fit more stuff into my carry on to avoid an extra charge. Africa here i come, nothing can stop me, not even exploding shampoo!


Anonymous said...

Good luck Megan. I'm sure you will have a fabulous adventure and many stories to tell. Sorry about the shampoo bottle but you have a great attitude about the whole thing. We'll be following along...

Aunt Beth, Uncle Larry, Olivia and Philip

Anonymous said...

Hey, Meg!!
Sounds like a wonderful adventure already! Glad you were able to get through the shampoo explosion without too much trouble. We hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly, and that you'll have lots of good stories to tell when you get back. We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!
Much Love,
Aunt Cindy, Uncle Jim, Becky, & Carly